Ancient plant-medicine traditions encouraged students to meditate on, and with, the plants that made up herbal medicines. In this way, the student could identify her “spirit plant” or “plant ally.” 

You can think of your plant ally as a Guardian Plant Angel if you will… 

I’ve got one – her name is Turmeric…I adore this plant  and I always make sure I have her at hand, especially at times of  frequent travels. It does not surprise me that ancient Ayurvedic texts gave her so many names.

Here are a few: 

“The One Whose Face is Light and Shining”

“Golden Goddess”

“Yellow One”

“Worthy Earth”

Our modern science is jumping on board with this earthy love affair of Turmeric. It is now “scientifically confirmed” to be at least, if not more effective, than a whopping FOURTEEN different commonly prescribed drugs. That’s pretty amazing, isn’t it? 

Turmeric is well-known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour, pain-reducer, antiseptic, digestive and anti-allergy medicine (just to name a few of her superpowers). And what more is that with the coming cold months in the northern hemisphere, you can enjoy this drink daily if you wish – guilt-free! 

I love to use it when I feel physically depleted or when I have worked hard. Even excessive working out can cause inflammation in the body. Especially now living in Bali, Turmeric is my go-to medicine when creating face masks, calming down any external or internal inflammation due to the tropic climate my native Czech gal inside me can’t quite handle just yet …:) 

Turmeric is one of the best anti-inflammatories on the planet. And so when I feel weak, toxic, catching a cold or am in any sort of pain (headache, muscle pain or strain etc.) I reach out for this golden goddess.. 

How to Make It  

Here is my remedy for the 8pm “I want to have a piece of chocolate” cravings.. In fact, if you are reading those pages, you probably already know that we can experience a dramatic shift in our lives when we stop eating after the sun goes down each day and then have a Golden Yogini Milk before bed. It leads to great morning meditations, better sleep and a clear mind upon waking. It is also an excellent, antioxidant-rich remedy for anxious sleeping.


  • 1/2 tsp. ghee or coconut oil
  • 1 – 2 tsp. turmeric
  • 1/4 tsp. cardamom
  • 1/4 tsp. cinnamon
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • a few strands of saffron (optional)
  • 1 cup whole milk (you can replace with almond, soy or hazelnut milk)

Put the ghee in a saucepan and heat on low with all the spices except for the saffron. Once you begin to smell the aroma, add the milk and saffron and whisk until hot. Or, add a fresh hunk of ginger, a small handful of almonds and goji berries (or a date!). Throw the whole hot mess in the Vitamix (or regular blender). Blend on high for about a minute for a frothy-hot elixir!